

Saturday, July 22nd, 2017

More rehab for that janky hip of mine. (Sorry @ptdrbecca ?). Once again, keeping it SIMPLE! The sexy stuff typically ain't what gets you better. Yes, this is old school, but guess what, it works!

Using a @perform_better band, the lightest one they offer actually, and focusing on quality movement. This ain't about moving like ? while pretending to growing huge muscles. I highly encourage you to do these on both legs because the standing leg gets just as much work because it's forced to stabilize you.

The last two exercises are closed chain and the whole goal is to keep the leg in neutral while resisting the force of the band AND driving motion through the hip from the top down instead of from the bottom up ?. Translation: I'm moving my pelvis on a “fixed/stationary” femur, instead of moving my femur while keeping my pelvis still. More than one way to skin a ?.

Reps, sets? ? Do it til your leg falls off. Honestly, I go by feel and quality. But if you must inquire, how bout 3×10 ??‍♂️. More hip rehab stuff comin at ya as I do it and film it, so stay tuned! In the meantime, give it a shot and lemme know how it goes!

Like it? Repost it. Don't understand it? Hit me up and get #Maestrofied.
Be sure to follow The Movement Maestro on FB, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube for all things #movement and #mobility related. Come move with the Maestro.

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