

Wednesday, April 12th, 2017

Here’s a novel way to use @crossoversymmetry bands to help get rid of that hip pinch at the bottom of the squat.

Did I use enough click-baity words there?!? ? —
Anyway, decided to film this today after watching a video of me squatting. I get that right hip pinchiness sometimes (if you recall, I hurt my hip last August), and what that video showed is rotation and collapse of my torso to the left, which, despite perhaps being a reflexive guarding position, actually decreases the space at that anterior hip, thus creating more pinching.

Now, one of the go to drills for de-pinching tends to be using a monster band around the knees while squatting to help control hip IR and anterior pelvic tilting. That wasn’t cutting it for me (in part because i don’t think that my pinching was a bottom-up driven pathology), hence why I looked to intervene from the top down.

I hooked a Crossover Symmetry band up to the rig and set it low so that it wanted to both rotate me forward and pull me into flexion, thus replicating the same collapsed position that I tend to fall into when squatting. By doing this, I provided myself with a force that I needed to focus on resisting, thus correcting for that movement fault. RNT (reactive neuromuscular training) at it’s finest.

While you can absolutely rig this up with any bands you have at the gym, I like the CS bands because of the super low resistance. The goal is not to create some massive force that you need to resist (and in doing so over-correct and look crazy), but rather to promote the dysfunctional pattern just enough that you are able to counter it to produce a more ideal pattern.

Cool ?, right? Give it a shot and lemme know what you think.

 Like it? Repost it. Don't understand it? Hit me up and get #Maestrofied. ? feed: the ever sneaky @queenb_fitmom
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