Maestro on the Mic

Welcome to Maestro on the Mic, a podcast that helps online business owners find their passion, generate more profit, and build a life that they love. I'm your host, Dr. Shanté Cofield, aka The Movement Maestro, and I’m stoked to have you here. I hope this podcast inspires you make moves and do the thing. Action is the answer.

MOTM #600: Are Social Media Numbers Real?

Thursday, July 25th, 2024

There’s this thing happening all over social media (and especially on Threads) where AI operated accounts are growing like crazy, and comment sections are blowing up with debates on whether or the accounts are actually humans. It all got me thinking about the numbers we see on social media, if they’re even real, and more […]

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MOTM #599: Our Biggest Complaint Yet

Monday, July 22nd, 2024

If somehow you’ve been living in a cave and you don’t know who JillFit is, then you’re in for a treat this episode. And if somehow, again, you didn’t know that Jill and I are hosting a live event called #BossUp, then you’ve got even more to look forward to. And if you already know […]

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MOTM #598: The Triangle of Truth

Thursday, July 18th, 2024

There is a triangle of truth that you can (and should) be using to filter every business purchase or investment you make. Of course, you can be using this for every purchase in your life, and it stays applicable. We all know that scammers be scamming, so this is a tool you can use to […]

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MOTM #597: Is Your Content Too Serious?

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Is your content too serious? Honestly, I have no clue. Only you know that. What I do know is that the idea of “professionalism” can be taken to an extreme, and that while business are built on solving problems, they’re also built on connection snd being yourself is a big part of that. If you’re […]

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MOTM #596: Doing Things that Don’t Scale

Thursday, July 11th, 2024

In an online space that’s so focused on always doing more, getting bigger, doing better, I think you should set your focus on doing things that DON’T scale. If you want influence, you need to build trust, and if you can’t show up for your small following now, how can you ever expect a large […]

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MOTM #595: Considering Your Capacity

Monday, July 8th, 2024

Back when I worked as a PT I would have to see up to 24 patients in a 10 hour day. Pardon my French, but fuck that shit. One of my favorite things about starting your own business is that you don’t have to work to some other person or companies pace—you get to work […]

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MOTM #594: How to Handle Instagram Overwhelm

Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Every now and then I start seeing a flood of people “taking a break” from Instagram, and I truly believe it’s not the app that’s a problem—it’s how we use it. If you’re using social media to build a brand or a business, you’re going to have to be on Instagram, so you’re going to […]

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MOTM #592: The Actual Benefits of Cold Exposure

Thursday, June 27th, 2024

I may talk mostly business now, but I am the *Movement* Maestro, and every now and then I like to remind you of that. I’m bringing this episode back from the archives because it felt relevant given the fact that it’s summer and it’s hot as shit outside, so if you’ve ever thought about cold […]

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MOTM #591: “Am I Too Old for Instagram?”

Monday, June 24th, 2024

Age is just a number—except for when it isn’t. I’ve had some clients wonder if they’re just “too old” to be starting a personal business on Instagram, and it’s a valid question. Even though social media seems to be a “young” persons game (whatever that means), there are millions of people of all ages online. […]

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MOTM #590: The 3 E’s of Starting an Online Business

Thursday, June 20th, 2024

How the hell do you know the “right” way to start an online business venture? Do you start with the thing you care about, or do you do the thing you know will make more money? Does have to be one or the other? Y’all know I’ll always advocate for doing the thing that lights […]

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MOTM #589: 7 Tips for Managing Your Instagram Comments and DMs

Monday, June 17th, 2024

If you’re like me and you’re building a personal brand, you already know that trust is everything, and when building that trust with your audience, having a direct line of communication with them is golden. Enter: your Instagram comments and DMs. Managing them can seem overwhelming but in my opinion, you’ve got to find a […]

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