

If you’re looking to work together, you’ve come to the right place.

I’ve got quite a few different ways that we can boogie, and they’re all* listed out below.

*Of note, I do selectively offer ongoing monthly 1:1 coaching, but in order for that to be an option, first we gotta do a Maestro Meeting. This ensures that it’s a good fit, and that you actually even need ongoing coaching! Plenty of folks just do a one off Maestro Meeting, take the homework, and are good for months.

Check out the options below and decide for yourself what would be the best fit.

If you read all the things and you’re still not sure, feel free to submit a custom inquiry and someone from Team Maestro will get back to you.

If you’re not ready to drop the monies yet, don’t forget that I have a ton of free resources including a podcast, a weekly newsletter, a YouTube channel, a bomb-ass Instagram page, and a bunch of free downloads.

If you’re ready to spend a little bit of monies and are cool doing things on your own, check out my online courses and on-demand webinars.

High fives!

Submit your Custom Inquiry

Interested in working with me but not sure if we'd be a good fit? Start here.

The Instagram Intensive

The BEST 6-week group coaching program on the market for those who want to learn how to use Instagram for business.

The Maestro Meeting

One-on-one business consulting for the health and fitness professional looking to move into or expand within the digital space.

The LEGACY Mentormind

A 7-month, high-touch business strategy + audience-building mentorship for female coaches, practitioners, and health professionals who want to increase financial predictability in their business and have their biggest launch to date.

The LextroMind

An exclusive high-touch, 9-month mentorship that combines online business coaching and done-with-you tech solutions to help brick-and-mortar health and wellness business owners launch their first digital products and services.

Join the family!