

Thursday, April 20th, 2017

Decided I had to follow up that last #TBT post with another #TBT post since so many of you were asking just what to do about those “tight” hip flexors and that lack of stability.

This is one of my favorite drills for working on hip extension/tight hip flexors/anterior pelvic tilts/whatever because it allows you to work on the mobility of those anterior structures while addressing and imparting general stability at the same time. That's how you keep those movement gains.

In the first part of this video I'm demonstrating how people can use hip abduction (and external rotation) to compensate for lack of true hip extension. Performing a million bridges like this in an effort to activate your glutes and improve your hip extension is pretty inefficient.

The second portion of the video (following @Mw_burke's cameo ?) demonstrates how you can turn that cheat into a pattern assist, and use it to help actually improve your mobility.

To do this, first test your hip extension by performing a bridge with your feet together, abs engaged, pelvis slightly tucked under or in neutral. You should be able to lift up so that there is a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. No pain, NO excessive arching of the back, and no breath holding.

If you've got any sort of hip flexor tightness or core stability issues (or motor control issues) you'll find that you either overarch your low back, really spread your legs, hold your breath, or just can't get into that position at all.

If spreading your knees (while keeping the feet together) allows for more motion, use this to your advantage. Spread the knees, engage the core, slight tuck to get to a neutral low back, lift your butt, then close the legs while maintaining that height. Hold, then lower. Hamstring cramps may become a real thing. You'll live.

The overall goal is to gain access to that full hip extension ACTIVELY (by first entering an easier position) and then work on staying there.

Give it a shot and let me know how it goes.
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