

Wednesday, May 24th, 2017

Improve your overhead stability for the snatch/overhead squat.

@quinn.henochdpt posted a great drill not too long ago, and so I took it upon myself to post a regression while at the ever dope @crossfithuebner. Shout out to The lovely @naomiwueste831 for the videography skills.

Sometimes we are limited in the overhead position not by mobility, but by stability/motor control. Passive Range Lift-offs are a nice way to work on gaining control in that end range. The goal is to position yourself in the doorway so that the door jam is at or near your end range of shoulder flexion, this way when you go to work on lifting away from the doorway, you're working on gaining control at end range.

Holding the kettlebell in the front-rack position serves as a nice counterbalance to help maintain an upright torso. The goal is to enter into that deep squat and stay there while working on that end range shoulder flexion.

Keep the torso upright, keep the heels down, and remember to breathe. Sets and reps ? 5 sets of 5 trying to hold each for 3-5 seconds.

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