Daily Maestroism

DM #677

Saturday, March 31st, 2018

DM #677: I love rolling. It is legitimately my jam. But, I will be the first to admit that I absolutely do not test every pattern, nor do I place every pattern on an equal stage.

Why? Because it all depends on what we’re looking for, and as it relates to an otherwise “average” human, some patterns will just inherently be easier than others. Upper extremity lead rolling that takes you from supine to prone will always be more difficult. Why? Because ya gotta use that neck and most people are pretty jacked up. Going from prone to supine will always run into more potential mobility limitations. Why? Because that’s how the human body works.

Why am I telling you this? Because I thought it was time to bring the DMs back to a little more clinical nerdyness 🤓 for a hot second. And if I’m not talking about breathing, well then you know I’ll be talking about rolling 😉.

Keeping this one short tonight. Got fun things to do in Palm Springs. But before I go, quick question. Who wants to learn more about assessing and intervening with rolling? 🤔 Who would be interested in an online course? Drop me a comment below 👇🏾 and lemme know your thoughts. Just might have to step in front of the camera for this one…

Daily Maestroisms dropping whenever the craziness of life allows 🤷🏽‍♂️. Get yours.

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