Full Transcript: MOTM #523: Building a Legacy Business

[Transcript starts at 2:16]

 Hello friends, 

Maestro: Maestro and JillFit here. Doors are open!

JillFit: It is doors open for Legacy, 

which is our six-month mentormind that we run together starting in January.

Maestro: We're going to be in your business, literally dissecting the things, 

giving you the strategy, 

figuring out exactly what you need.

JillFit: We do have monthly trainings.

We also teach you a full curriculum over the course of that six months. This is really the only container I do any one on one calls.

Maestro: A good number of people go through Legacy and then leave Legacy, and they're just like,

I'm not scared of launching. I'm not stressed out by launching. I'm excited about launching. 

JillFit: Both of us have worked with so many people, not just in Legacy, but outside of Legacy too. So if there's any question you have literally about anything, 

either, one of us have already done that, 

or we've worked with someone who has already done that.

Maestro: Yes, we want you to have your biggest launch, and we also want you to lay the foundation for a legacy business. This is not a flash in the pan success story. This is not childhood stars, 

where are they now?

JillFit: Some of your movement, people come in and I'm like, 

” Okay, so let's just say that there's like some SI joint thing that you…”

like, I just don't know what the f*ck it is, but then like, 

Maestro: Jill just touched her shoulder.

JillFit: Just like, is this not the SI joint? 

Maestro: No! 

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