Full Transcript: MOTM #637: It's a Jeep Thing

[Transcript starts at 1:08]

Hello, hello, my podcast people. And thank you for joining me for yet another episode of My Favorite Podcast. If you are listening, if you are watching on a day that this drops, wow, that was just like all one word on the day that this drops, it is Monday, December 2nd. Welcome to December. Alright, this shit goes by fast.

Uh, I don't have a ton of life updates. I do like doing these, though, because I know I like listening to them when I am listening to other people's podcasts, so I'mma do the little ones that I have, uh. Tomorrow, no, two days from now, I will be, Lex and I will both be heading to my sister's house for Thanksgiving, which is my favorite holiday.

Yes, this is one of those uh, Cause all my episodes are this way, one of the record in the past, drop it in the future, you listen in the present kind of episodes, um, but Thanksgiving has not happened as of the day I'm recording this. Um, it's my favorite holiday. I love going to see my family and you know, you folks know that I also do Thanksgiving in July, courtesy of Jill.

She does Christmas in July. We do Thanksgiving in July. And it's just like, eat good food, dance, I play some guitar, we hang out, like, we'll probably play Magic the Gathering, we'll go outside, it's gonna be like one degrees there, but you know, it's fine. But I love it. So I'm really excited for that. Um, my, my brother's birthday, one of my brothers, Justin, his birthday is actually on Christmas.

So Christmas. To me has always been about him like it's it's just like never was the biggest holiday Like we did gifts and like we always did a tree and like that, but I don't know just for me It's not like the biggest holiday Thanksgiving is like that's my shit So excited for that speaking of birthdays my birthday is coming up.

So Justin's is on Christmas and then my birthday is New Year's Day, uh, and I will be 40 this year. So just like the fact that it's already December 2nd, uh, time be flying. So let's all make the most of it. I'm hoping to keep, and I say this like the best way possible. I'm hoping to keep this episode shorter because I got to get back to work.

Uh, speaking of making the most of it and hearing I'm like, I got to work, but I gotta get shit done so I can fully enjoy the Thanksgiving break. But, uh, I have been sitting at my desk for all the hours and moving the course and my, On demand webinars over from Cow. Cow, wow. Moving them from Crowdcast to Kajabi, uh, for my Cyber Monday sale.

Like we all know we need like deadlines and specific actions in order to make us do things. In this case, I was like, okay, I'll do some stuff for Cyber Monday, which is gonna be done by the time you hear this episode. Um, but I just mean to been meaning to move them over anyway. And I was like, all right.

Let me just do that. Actually, what happened was my Crowdcast was supposed to renew and I was like, I don't want to pay this again because I don't fucking use it. Um, it's a great platform, but I just, I just don't use it. I don't do webinars the way that I was and I can use Zoom. Crowdcast is better for, is objectively better just for specifically for webinars, but I just don't use it enough.

So I paused that moving the things over, but I, As long as these tasks are taking as much time as they are taking, I actually really enjoy them. Um, and I think that it's so cool that we can do this stuff on our own. Like, yes, if you want to outsource it, go ahead, outsource it. But I really like doing this, like, all of it, right?

If I think back to, like, how I made the thing, there's literally everything about it. Like, I recorded the, the live, I went live from my house. Using internet, using a DSL, DSLR camera streaming, and then it recorded it. And then I could sell it through that platform and then it lived there. And then now I have downloaded it from that platform and I use Adobe, which is like high level software to chop it up and make it into chapters or modules, if you will, for an online course.

And I can upload those to Kajabi and I use, I did use AI. I'm not going to lie. I use AI to help out with the chapter summaries. If you're not doing that, what are you doing folks? Like, it, you don't, it doesn't have to be like some, like, big long thing and, uh, so I think certain things AI is better for, is really good for.

And when I want it to sound very straightforward, AI is great for that. Um, so, you know, using AI for that, using ChachiPT for that. Uh, and then I can market this thing and sell it through my online soft, my online email software platform, ConvertKit. And I get all of this from my house. I'm recording this episode with this camera, with this light that's a little bit bright, and I'm sorry about that light in the background, we're getting banding, just, I've talked about in past episodes, it happens.

I can't try to fix that right now. I'm too tired. Uh, but. All that for my house. Like, what a fucking time to be alive. What a time to be alive. Like, yes, there is a lot of wild shit going on, but also, what a time to be alive. And I really enjoy being able to do this on my own, so that's what I've been spending, like, all my time doing.

Sometimes I'm like, I would rather just sit here and scroll Instagram and threads for hours. But we got shit to do, so hopefully keeping this I'm gonna try and keep this episode shorter. Uh, but last update, thank you for the responses to last week's episode. Um, my, what, that was episode 635, my reflect, my post election reflections, and just heard back from a good number of you and it was just really, really great.

You are my people. I am so grateful that you take the time to listen to this. Like you give me your time. That is definitely your most valuable resource. So thank you. All right. So today's message, today, the point of today's. Um, it's actually a message that I shared with my mafia family first. So thank you, mafia family, for helping me get that out of my head.

Um, I read an email to the mafia. Mafia is my private membership, if you will, we'll call it that. And, uh, I write to them every Monday. I do a recap of whatever happened in the Facebook group and I share amusing every single Monday. And, uh, This past, so yesterday's musing was about the Jeep wave. And I was like, you know what, let's make this the podcast episode.

Cause I want to share this message with the world. And we all know you and I both know the entire world listens to this podcast. So here we are. Uh, but we're gonna talk about the Jeep wave, right? Before we start. Just a little, uh, it's not a disclaimer, just a little understanding for all of you folks.

When people, or I, say Jeep, it only means Jeep Wrangler, all right? Don't shoot the messenger. This is how it is. If you have a, or if you have, or if you're talking about a Cherokee, a Grand Cherokee, a Gladiator, a Compass, whatever, you got to say the model name, all right? You can't just say. Jeep, just the, the make, that is reserved for Wranglers, but it doesn't matter if you have a two door or four door, it's a Jeep.

I don't make the rules, okay? So, just so you know, when I'm talking about the Jeep wave, the only people who do the Jeep wave are people that have Wrangler. Just, just I'm just putting it out there. Okay. So if you own a Jeep or you know, you've been with somebody who owns a Jeep, then you may know that there's a thing called the Jeep wave.

If you're watching right now, you can see me, you doing it. Imagine that I'm driving, right? I'm sitting there driving on the road and just pop you with one of those. Maybe you want to go over. I just covered the microphone. So I don't know how to end up sounding, but I pretended the microphone was the steering wheel.

If you want to jump on over to YouTube and see the Jeep wave, you can do it there. But, um, The jeep wave is something you do when you drive past another jeep, you wave. Usually it's two fingers, not like doing like, you know, flying out of the seat. It's literally like two fingers, you do whatever, hands on the steering wheel, you usually just raise two fingers and it's just like, Hey, what's up jeep, jeep.

Fun story. Uh, when I first decided that I wanted a jeep, right. When I first moved to Cal, I've always wanted a jeep. But when I moved to California, I was like, I'm getting one now. Uh, So I went one day after CrossFit, I went and I was like, I'm going to go and look at Jeeps because my, I had an Aztec, which I loved it, a Pontiac Aztec.

And it was like, It needed a new gas tank and they don't make that car anymore. So it was like really hard to get one. And the guy was like, Hey, like, obviously the car's paid off. And I was like, should I get a new car? He's like, I wouldn't. He's like, but it's up to you. He was like, you know, we have to do have to wait to get the new part.

And I really trusted him as a mechanic, but I was like, I want a Jeep. And I had a, you know, I had a day or whatever at CrossFit. And I was like, all right, let me just go look. We all know how go look turns. It turns out. Right. So I went there and I was, I test drove a Jeep and no sooner, like I was test driving, no sooner did I turn out of the parking lot to like get onto the road.

There was a woman, a middle aged woman in a maroon Jeep. I'll never forget. She was turning out of a parking lot across the way. Like now it wasn't a, it wasn't related to the. Whatchamacallit, to the dealership, but there's another parking lot and she was turning out and she hit me with the jeep wave and I was like, oh my god, for me?

For little me? Now, I do not believe that that person was planted, uh, but honestly they should. It is an immediate sell, you know how I know? Because I drove Peggy off the showroom floor just a few hours later. If you folks don't know, Peggy is my jeep, the name of my jeep. Um, and she was fresh off the showroom floor.

So, that jeep wave, it works, right? I do believe that these past, I mean, I do believe this is a fact, right? The past few weeks, I've been, The air has been heavier. There's been a heaviness in the air and I think it's lifting. Um, not that I'm trying to, by any means, rush it, but you know, time makes things change.

Right. Um, but that heaviness definitely inspired the thought about the Jeep wave and that M4 email and subsequently this email. So while the Jeep wave is a universal thing, it's not universally performed. Right. Meaning. Not everyone does it. And I have noticed that I definitely am more likely to receive, uh, a Jeep wave inland from where I live.

Right. Despite the fact that there are so many Jeeps where I live. Right. So I live in Redondo beach. I live on the coast. Like I live in a beach town. There are so many Jeeps here. It's like a bazillion Teslas and Jeeps. Whereas when you go inland, there's not as many Jeeps, but like, Everybody's waving there.

And I do think that there's a reason for that. I think that a lot of the people that have Jeeps where I live, they're either teenagers, but you have a lot of, there's a lot of wealth here. Um, so I bought that car when I was 30. Um, meanwhile, these teenagers are getting it. I know no judgment, but I think there's a lot of teenagers that have it, have them.

And I think honestly, there's a lot of moms that have them who wanted G wagons. Y'all know, I got nothing against moms, but I do think that there are some, I see some of these Jeeps and I'm like, that really looks like you wanted a G wagon. And y'all were like, That's too much money. So we're going to get this like very tactical looking vehicle.

That's significantly less money. Right. And so I don't expect either of those parties to be doing the Jeep wave or honestly knowing about the Jeep wave. When you move inland or you go inland, a lot of the folks there who have Jeeps, they really enjoy the Jeep culture, right? They, they have the Jeep. They probably modded it out themselves to, you know, change all the parts on it.

And some of them may be just like me where they're just mall crawling and others are actually like going off road. But either way, they are like. In the Jeep community, they know about the way they really love doing the wave, right? So suffice to say, there is a wave. I think more people do it inland, but either way, the story today is about this wave that isn't universal, but is universal, but isn't performed universally, right?

So the long and the short here is that whenever you see a Jeep and you know about the Jeep wave, You now have two options, right? So these people's moms and the teenagers, I don't think, I don't think they know about it, but if you do know about the Jeep wave, you're driving a Jeep, you got two options, you can either wave first.

Or you can wait for the other person to wave and then you wave back. Or if they don't wave, then you can still wave, or maybe you don't wave at all. Y'all already know here comes the bigger life lesson. So I made the decision long ago to just be someone who always waves first. And I'm just, I'm, I'm waving.

You got a Jeep, you're getting a wave to the point where I do. I used to do, I did used to rent a good number of cars just cause I was traveling for work. And, uh, uh, I would be driving a rental car waving and I'm like, no one's waving back. And I'm like, Oh, cause I'm not in a fucking Jeep. I'm in like a fucking Chrysler, like sedan.

Like of course they're not waving back. But the point, you know, being here, I made that decision. I am going to wave. Why? Like I cannot control anyone's actions. I'm not responsible for their actions. And I am not out here waving and, you know, not waving and saving my joy only for folks who are going to reciprocate.

This is very similar to me for like when you, or if you ever decide to give money to like a homeless person, what they do with that money is a reflection of them, not you, whether or not you give is a reflection of you on you. It's what reflects on you. And I'm not here to pass judgment one way or another.

I'm making the point that you can't be like, here's money. Only if you use it in this way. Like that's not what it's about. It's here's money. I'm giving it. This is my Responsibility. This is how I'm taking responsibility for rather is giving you this money what you do That's on you if you're trying to be like I'm giving it to you But only if you do this in this then just don't give it at all.

Just don't give it at all I like to do things because it matters to me. I try to encourage people that I work with to do things because it matters to them. I wave because it matters to me. Waving is a, a, a, what is the word? Tangible, I guess, way of sharing my joy. Alright, and just being like, how fucking dope it is, how fucking dope is it, it is, wow, how fucking dope is it to drive a jeep?

And I, you, you folks know I fucking love that car. The person on the other end, the receiving end of that wave, they can agree, they can disagree, hell, like, they may not have even seen it. Which is why I don't people get all bent out of shape, like, maybe they're just, they're busy, they just didn't fucking see you wave, and you can't just be like, I'm only gonna do it if they wave back, like.

That's on them. What they do, that's on them. This is again, something that I try to instill in folks that I work with and the tangible example there is that I give them or that I'm usually talking about is with social media and sharing on social media. And it kind of grinds my gears like most people I work with, they're, they're past this, but I do get, I mean, now, and that's people that haven't really worked through this and I'm just like, fuck, like if you are only sharing because other people might care or because you want clapping.

You're gonna fucking stop. You're gonna stop, because people aren't gonna clap. You gotta share because you care. You gotta share because it matters to you. Yes, does it feel great when someone else share, you know, waves back? Yes. Does it feel great when someone likes your post or comments on your post? Yes, for sure.

But those things are bonuses. I would love for you to see them as bonuses. And not even like the icing on the cake, because I don't know who made that phrase, because like the icing is literally the best part of the cake, and I'm like, wait, that, like, that analogy doesn't really work. It's more like someone handing you a napkin when you're eating a Gecko Cupcake, and you're like, oh, thank you, because it's had some crumbs, so now I can, like, put the crumbs on there.

It's nice. It's helpful. But, you know. That's it. I just it's just like a bonus. So earlier I referenced in this episode I referenced wanting to spend all day scrolling But like also part of me doesn't because it is just like so so angry people are angry just they're angry. They're lonely They're sad. We know the algorithm algorithms push this right if it bleeds it leads and I'm just like Um, and I, I do think that we're going to continue to see this and maybe see more of it just because, you know, at least in the top down, right.

When I say top down, I mean the government and like the, not that the government's fucking here to save us, but like leadership does set culture and I don't foresee the, a change in the good direction. Uh, so, you know, from the top down, I don't see things getting better, but from the bottom up, which is us, it's you, it's me.

I think we can make things better, right? We have a choice and I am going to choose to wave first. Every single time, I'm going to be the one who initiates it. I'm going to be the one to share my joy because it matters to me. If they wave back, awesome. If they don't, that's fine too. That's, it's, it's on them.

And as it relates to how you, dear listener, dear viewer, show up, I hope you choose to do the same. All right. Like I said, trying to keep this one short. I got a lot of work to do. And part of me is like, I'd rather just talk. This is way more fun, but got to get the work done. And as always, uh, Y'all, I love hearing from you.

I'm super grateful that you take the time to listen. You reach out. Just thank you. Endlessly, endlessly, endlessly appreciative. All right. That's all I got for you. Until next time, friends. Maestro.

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