Dr. C. Shanté Cofield


Greetings, friend!

I'm the Maestro.

My whole schtick is MOAR you, my superpower is that I truly see people, and if we work together, you will take action.

I'm the creator of The Movement Maestro LLC, a social-media based company that provides online business coaching and consulting for health and fitness professionals. My favorite clients are the folks who understand that there is more than one way to achieve happiness and success, and who are committed to doing life, AND online business, on their own terms.

Physical therapist turned entrepreneur, I coach health and fitness professionals on how to build profitable online personal brands, with a focus on brand strategy and development in the ever-growing digital marketplace.

Since starting The Movement Maestro LLC, I have amassed a social media following of over 65,000 incredible Instahomies, which has lead to international speaking opportunities including Dubai, New Zealand, and Australia. In April of 2018 I launched my podcast, Maestro on the Mic, which has been downloaded over one million times to date.

So, this is the place where it’s standard practice to give you a sterile glimpse into my professional life and hopefully convince you that I’m qualified enough that you'll want to work with me. But, you should know, I’m anything but traditional. Before you keep on reading, I’d love it if you could take a few moments to watch the video below and learn a little bit about me. I know that four minutes is a lot to ask of someone in 2024, but, this video IS me.

For those of you who still want the inside scoop, here’s the rundown:

Hometown: Summit, NJ
High School Sports Played: Soccer, basketball, lacrosse, ice-hockey (for real), javelin
College: Georgetown University ('07)
Sports Played: 4 years of Division I soccer, rugby (1 season)
Graduate School: New York University
Date Graduated: 2010
Degree Earned: Doctor of Physical Therapy
Additional Certifications:

  • OCS – Orthopedic Clinical Specialist
  • CSCS – Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
  • CF-L1 – CrossFit Level I Trainer
  • SFMA – Selective Functional Movement Assessment Provider
  • FMS – Functional Movement Screen Provider
  • FRCms – Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist
  • NKT – NeuroKinetic Therapy (Level I) Provider
  • FMT B/P/B/A – RockTape Basic/Performance/Blades/Blades Advanced Certified (I am a RockTape Lead instructor, I had better be certified in all these things!)

Other Hobbies and Activities: Hanging with my cat, Rupert, playing beach volleyball, watching beach volleyball, doing anything related to beach volleyball, driving around in my Jeep, Peggy, laughing at memes, guitar playing, falling in love with SoCal over and over again

So, if you’ve made it this far, I commend you. I’ve got my fingers crossed that if you didn’t know anything about me before, you’ve now got enough to formulate some kind of picture and make a decision about our future together. Be nice. If you want to work together but aren't sure where to start, contact me. If you want to hear me talk, subscribe to the podcast. And if you want to be like Aerosmith and never miss a thing, subscribe to my newsletter. Thanks for your time.

Maestro out.

Join the family!