Online Courses

Note: These are all SELF-PACED courses, which means once you purchase them, you complete them 100% on your own. You cannot download the content but you will have access to it forever by simply using your login (you will create this when you purchase) and logging into the Kajabi portal or using the Kajabi app. If you have already purchased a course and are simply looking to access it, you can click the previously hyperlinked text or click the button below.

Instagramming with the Maestro

Get rid of the guess-work and learn EXACTLY what it takes to attract your ideal client, dominate Instagram, and build a personal brand. Remember, this course is 100% SELF-PACED, and as of 8/10/2020 I will no longer be updating the content. If you prefer accountability, support, and a way to reach out and ask questions, and the most up to date info about Instagram, then I would STRONGLY suggest you enroll in my 6-week Instagram Intensive group coaching program instead.

Breathing with the Maestro

A self-paced online course that provides a practical approach to understanding, assessing, and treating the most fundamental movement pattern that we have: Breathing.

Join the family!