DM #53: Bedrest = death. Ok ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit there, but if you're looking to return to your old ways after you've been injured, you're not gonna get there on your back.
Rest is absolutely a crucial part of recovery, but so is movement. All too often our pain avoidance tactics take over and we err on the side of doing absolutely nothing until we feel 100% better. The problem with that, is that each day we do nothing, our muscles atrophy, we lose our stability, we lose our mobility, and we decrease the size of our movement pattern library.
Now I'm not advocating pushing through pain and trying to be a hero. Don't work through pain, work around it, and work with it. Movement is absolutely medicine, helping to modulate pain, decrease inflammation, and restore normal function.
So yes, you might be able to simply rest your way out of acute pain. But if you don't put in any sort of work, I guarantee you that that same pain will be back to bite you in the ?. The absence of pain is not the same thing as full functionality. And yes, that last quote is also a DM.
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