DM #68: For goodness sake, STOP SQUATTING ON THE OUTSIDE OF YOUR FEET!!! In my opinion, the knees out cue with squatting has gone too far. Everyone is obsessed with having their knees superwide, but no one seems to care how they get there.
I think this all started with K-Star's book ‘Supple Leopard,' and the fact that he used Diane Fu as the model. That chick has crazy mobility (along with Asian heritage), and so her squat position is gonna look a whole lot different than most people's.
Now, I could make this some super in-depth kinesiology-laden post, but it's Friday night, and ain't nobody got time for that.
My point here simple: knees out squatting is about more than just hip mobility and simple dorsiflexion. If you want those knees to get out of the way, you must remember that all movement occurs in three planes of motion; Dorsiflexion hits just one plane, the sagittal plane.
In order to take care of the other two planes, we must have adequate relative tibial internal rotation (transverse plane – relative because the to be a stays fixed as the femur rotates externally), and adequate subtalar eversion aka calcaneal eversion (frontal plane). Come up short in any of these areas, and you're likely going to find yourself compensating elsewhere, and squatting on the outside of your feet. That big toe is the biggest for reason. It's supposed to be on the ground. ?
Alright, that's enough for tonight. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. Movement always occurs in three planes of motion. Make sure you're working on all of them.
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