Daily Maestroism

DM #83

Sunday, August 14th, 2016

DM #83: Yesterday's DM spoke to the merits of brachiation, aka hanging. I got some follow up questions that spurred me to post tonight's DM.
Whether you're recovering from injury or trying to prevent injury, it's always all about proper progressions. Skip steps, do too much too soon, and you might find yourself unable to do any of what you were hoping to do.

Hanging is an absolutely incredible exercise, however, it may prove to be too difficult for some who haven't been near a set of monkey bars since keds and crimped hair were cool. But that's ok (crimped hair not so much, but I digress) EVERY movement can be regressed and progressed.
Dan John (at least I think it was him ? I'm giving him credit either way, but please refer to DM #80 for my feeling on the entire “ownership” thing ?) states it nicely with this quote. Hanging and supporting your entire body weight may prove to be too taxing for the grip or your upper extremity strength. So then we put the weight in your hand, and put your hand by your side, and have you walk. Still too tough? Then just hold that weight in place.
These regressions still allow the upper extremity to be loaded, but allow us to modify the load, and target the tissues around the shoulder from a different vector that is a bit more manageable.

In reality, we should be hanging and we should be doing loaded carries. But you gotta walk before you run. Be smart. Be safe. Become more resilient.

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