

Tuesday, September 27th, 2016

Oh just over here working on my goats with my squad. Lifting heavy things, ESPECIALLY trying to snatch heavy things, really isn't my jam. But my girls push me to work on the things I hate, and I'm a better athlete for it.
Here's 100# goin up on a Tuesday. Not the prettiest (@amucurio I know I'm still doing that hitch thing, but now only once it gets heavy! ? this was a PR match btw!), not the fastest, not the best, but you know what, it's damn good for me and I'm proud of it. It's easy to post shit that you're good at. Hell, I'm good at running. I'm actually really good at running. But I don't blow up my feed with videos of me running; one, because it's actually really boring to watch, but two, because I don't just post the good stuff. I post the real stuff. I'm just another human trying to get better at being human.
Social media trolls with nothing helpful or constructive to post, say whatever you want. But before you do, let me preemptively leave you with this:??. For all you folks out there struggling, and brave enough to post those struggles: Keep on keeping on. We're in this together. #Maestrofied
Be sure to follow The Movement Maestro on FB, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube for all things #movement and #mobility related. Come move with the Maestro.

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