Daily Maestroism

DM #137

Friday, October 7th, 2016

DM #137: Sorry guys, a little late with this one. Traveling SNAFUs and gym time for the best of me.
Anyways, wrapped up another 3 day @rocktape tour with @cceducation and this sentiment is something I always try to convey to the attendees. Don't worry about catching every detail, don't furiously take notes and try to memorize all the information being provided. Sit back, take it in, and truly try to understand what the teacher is trying to convey.
Protocols, statistics, and in general the “how” to do something can be picked up at any time. The why, the concepts behind the techniques, the bigger picture, that's what you want to be looking for, and that's what you want to hold on to.
When you memorize, you're stuck with limited applicability, as whatever you learned pretty much applies only to that specific situation. This approach just doesn't work when you're dealing with something as dynamic as the human body.
Take home message: if you come to one of my courses, get your nose out of the book and start getting those wheels turning. Learn, don't memorize.
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