DM #144: Dropped in to @cfsilverspring yesterday and nerded out with owner and head coach, Josh Dempsey. We talked about ALL the things, but he dropped this little nugget in passing and it stuck with me.
Running is no joke! Give it the same respect that you give Olympic lifting, or advanced gymnastics. Just because you're human doesn't mean that you know how to run. Don't confuse “born to run”, with actually knowing how to run.
People like to rag on CrossFit, but something ridiculous like 90% of runners will get injured during their career. And yet, what's the first thing the people recommend when someone says they're trying to lose weight? Go for a jog ?
Enough already. Running requires a tremendous amount of strength and skill, and should be something that you train for before you use it for training.
Respect the movement. Respect the process. Earn the right to pound the pavement. Your body will thank you.
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