Daily Maestroism

DM #201

Saturday, December 10th, 2016

DM #201: Felt is was only right to make tonight’s DM about taping since today was my last RockTape course for the year.
Tape is just another tool in the toolbox, folks. Do I think that there is incredible value in using it for motor control? Absolutely. Do I just it with every single patient I treat at every single session? Absolutely not. As a therapist who spent the early days learning in NYC, I am ALL about efficiency and using the technique the fastest, and most long-lasting results. To that end, taping is a hugely powerful tool when it comes to certain things.
However, and I always make a point to emphasize this over and over again in my seminars, tape is NOT the treatment; tape AUGMENTS your treatments. It helps tap into the nervous system and keep that window open just that much longer. You must still do whatever manual work is required and whatever movement drills are needed. If you think that tape is the answer to everything, the please come to one of my courses so I can set the record straight.
Could therapists survive without tape? Sure. Could therapists survive without cupping, IASTM instruments, dry needling, BFR units, cryotherapy tanks, and the like? Sure.
These modalities don’t make the treatment. They make the treatment better. Recognize the difference and implement each accordingly.
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