Day 2 of #FlowInto2017. I'd like to think of this one as only a mild Pinterest fail. Definitely more forgiving than day 1. Hit the entire flow earlier during the day yesterday at crossfit but didn't film it, and everyone knows that if it's not on social media, it didn't happen ?. In all honesty putting these up in the hopes that my less than perfect movement will inspire some of you to give it a try. Movement IS medicine. Ran through another 5 minutes of this flow around midnight last night, because, well, why not. Made the tight space work, almost fell over a few times, but somehow managed to not wake up the wife. ?? The things you see and learn about yourself are pretty cool when you expose yourself to new movements and film it. 1 – My neck continues to be weak as ? and a linchpin to movement. 2 – Spinning ain't so easy. 3 – I “shine my heart” like an ??. ? 4 – We all need to be barefoot more often. 5 – Bear pancake walkouts yeah right. 6 – My air squats look like pancakes. #LongFemurWeakMidlineProblems 7 – Those maroon jogger doh, thanks @apeathletics. 8- This stuff is really fun.
Make sure you give @venus2bfab a follow so you can see what this stuff is actually supposed to look like and join in on the challenge.
Fingers crossed that day 3 doesn't send me to the hospital. ?
Be sure to follow The Movement Maestro on FB, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube for all things #movement and #mobility related. Come move with the Maestro.