Daily Maestroism

DM #235

Friday, January 13th, 2017

DM #235: Where ya think it is, it ain’t. Right, Ida? Sometimes, where ya think it is, it is, but usually, it ain’t.
Stop attacking, smashing, punishing the areas that hurt. Yes, TREAT those areas, listen to them, address the symptoms, but look somewhere else to figure out why that area is having to do so much work. The victim is very rarely the culprit. Don’t forget that.

Been posting a lot more concept-based stuff recently, and far less of the ’this joint affects that specific movement’ stuff, and I hope you guys are ok with it. I’ll go back to some of the other stuff, but I’ve always been a fan of the whole ‘give a man a fish…’ mantra, and that’s what I’m trying to convey with these DMs.
I think that a lot of the stuff I say, you fine folks out there already know intuitively, you just may need it phrased a different way, packaged in an analogy that speaks to you.
So, my apologies if I’m being redundant or perhaps too broad with my messages. But, if these post save even one patient from getting their ITB scraped, foam-rolled, and beaten to death, then it will have all been worth it.
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