Daily Maestroism

DM #257

Saturday, February 4th, 2017

DM #257: PTs and DPT students, I'm looking at you! ? Stop doubting yourself and wanting to switch up your exercises simply because you've given them to too many patients that day. You know exactly what I'm talking about. I've been there too.

As humans, we move and live in characteristic patterns. As such, we tend to present with many of the same movement dysfunctions. That means that as a practitioner it's not uncommon to find yourself prescribing a lot of the same exercises to different patients. Now, I'm by no means advocating a cookie-cutter approach. Far from it. But let's face it, most people can benefit from breathing. Most people need to work on their rolling (and no I don't mean foam rolling). Most folks need to work on their neck and midline stability. So, don't be surprised if you find yourself giving the same or very similar exercises to more than one patient or client.

The magic, the mojo, the money, what makes the difference, is tweaking that exercise so that is most appropriate for that patient. Whether it's suggesting a different time of the day that they perform it, recommending a different position to try, or simply just making it easier for them to see how it would carryover into whatever it is they're trying to accomplish.
Resist the temptation to skip steps, make exercises more complicated than they need to be, or switch things up simply because it's your ninth patient of the day and you've already done that same drill with four other people. Yes, each patient is unique. Just remember that their uniqueness does not make the fundamentals any less important or effective.
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