

Wednesday, February 8th, 2017

Touch Your Toes with the Maestro Part 2: MORE BREATHING!

Yes, part 1 was also breathing. I decided to make part 2 also breathing, because it's that important! If you take nothing away from this series, work on your breathing! After all, if you don't own breathing, you don't own movement. Peep yesterday's toe touch post AND Daily Maestroism for more of the science-y stuff as to how breathing affects the systems.

Plenty of folks will challenge this notion and I'm honestly not here to have a debate and change anyone's mind. The connection that breathing and the diaphragm have to the nervous system, limbic system, musculoskeletal system, cardiopulmonary system, GI system, urogentital system, and honestly EVERY system cannot be denied. If your breathing is disordered for the task at hand, dysfunction likely isn't a long way off.
The video above demonstrates one breathing technique, diaphragmatic breathing. Of note, it's not just about breathing into the belly. We want those ribs expanding and you also breathing into the low back. But honestly, I'm posting this simply so that you realize the importance of breathing and breath work. Use whatever technique has captured your heart. My hope is simply that you will at least start paying attention to your breathing patterns, which is something that probably 98% of the population doesn't do.
So, as it relates to my original message, if you're one of those folks who's struggling to touch your toes…start by working on your breathing. Your low back will thank you. #Maestrofied.
Be sure to follow The Movement Maestro on FB, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube for all things #movement and #mobility related. Come move with the Maestro.

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