

Friday, February 10th, 2017

Touch Your Toes with the Maestro part 4: Addressing Neural Tension

Tissues get restricted, and guess what, so do nerves. Sometimes they don't glide the way they're supposed to, and any restrictions to this gliding can cause problems with your mobility.

One way to address this is with nerve gliding or flossing. As stated in the video, the goal is simply to get the nerve to slide freer along its track. With this, and I can't emphasize this enough, you DO NOT want to push into symptoms, you don't want to just push through the tightness and pain. Respect the nervous system. Ease into things.

As demonstrated in the video, when the leg goes up the head goes up. When the leg goes down, the head goes down. I don't recommend having the leg up and then head down at the same time, as that's a neural tensioning position, and that's not our goal. We're looking to help things slide better, not trying to stretch them.

As always, make sure you can breathe while you do this. Regress the movement as needed, with either just moving the foot, just moving the knee, or any one part at a time. This can also be done while lying down.
Reps? Sets? You know that I'm not about numbers. I've read articles where they said you can do up to 100 in a day, so if you like that number, go ahead. I always try to have patients focus on the breathing, seeing if they can try and get a little bit more motion within about 3 to 5 minutes of work.

Give it a shot and let me know how it goes.
Tomorrow night, part 5. Stay tuned!

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