

Tuesday, February 14th, 2017

Touch Your Toes with the Maestro Part 8: The Toe Touch Progression

We've worked on breathing, rolling, soft tissue mobility, and supine movement. Here's how we increase the postural demands (when you're ready). Working a pattern in the upright position is usually the most difficult variation, but it must be worked on to achieve full function. The Toe Touch Progression is a great way to pattern forward bending and hip hinging. This drill is helpful for those unable to touch their toes, as often times it is not true hamstring ‘tightness’ that is limiting the movement, but an inability to stabilize the core and properly pattern the motion. In the absence of proper core stability, your nervous system will tighten up your hamstrings to prevent you from bending forward and blowing out your back. Squeezing a towel roll between the legs helps to reflexively activate the core while also preventing hyperextension at the knees. Elevating different portions of the foot helps with gliding or ‘mobilization’ of the nervous system.

Key points:
-Keep the core engaged
-Feet should remain side by side for the duration of all the movements
-Object used to elevate the heels/toes should be 1-2 inches in height
-Towel or foam pad should be thick enough that the knees cannot be locked backward or hyperextended
-Squeeze the towel/foam pad for the duration of each movement
-If you cannot reach your toes, bend your knees for the first few repetitions and then try to reduce the knee bend and go a little farther with each repetition
-While standing, inhale and allow the belly to expand. Exhale as you bend forward.
-Allow the back to round and the head to drop down when you are fully flexed forward
-Go slowly and don’t bounce

5-10 repetitions for each

Upper Left: Toes elevated
Upper Right: Feet flat on the ground
Lower Left: Heels elevated
Lower Right: This is the most difficult of all the positions. Starting with the knees bent and hands under the toes, slowly straighten and bend the knees but avoid hyperextension.
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