Daily Maestroism

DM #281

Tuesday, February 28th, 2017

DM #281: Been having some super dope early-morning conversations with my girl @brianna.battles, and the latest topic has been how best to respond to the numerous inquiries we get from you fine folks.
While I absolutely LOVE hearing from all of you, one thing that can be super tough is when folks reach out asking for me to throw some exercises their way that might “fix” whatever it is that's hurting them.
The reality is this: you deserve better than a guess.
Without an assessment, I'm just guessing. Without talking to you, seeing you, hearing your story, I'm just guessing. Without doing SOMETHING to actually figure out what's going on, I'm just guessing. You deserve better.
Remember, we humans are not simple tables with a leg that can be easily fixed or a screw that can be tightened in a second. The dysfunction and pain that we experience is part of a EMERGENT process, not a linear one. Translation: there are a ton of moving parts and a whole lotta stuff that contributes to pain and dysfunction.
So when you email me, or any other provider, asking for a shotgun approach, PLEASE don't take offense or get frustrated when we reply: find a local provider and get assessed. I'm ALWAYS here to help, and I want to make sure that I'm doing just that, helping.
Keep emailing, keep reaching out, but keep in mind, you deserve better than a guess.
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