DM #285: What the hell?! They both lie wishing the lateral line, and as the saying goes, “if it attaches to it, there's a pattern to it.” Did an eval yesterday on my girl @hollaformala for some complaints of lateral knee pain and persistent “locking up” of her fibular head. I use those quotation marks because what “locking up” actually means (and what we're actually doing when we do mobilizations) is totally up for debate. A debate that I'm not trying to have right now.
Anyway, she had found relief from her symptoms with soft tissue work and mobilizations to the lateral knee/fib head, but nothing was sticking (except for her fibular head ? dad joke). So, we started looking for the why and not just chasing her symptoms. A little NKT testing revealed a QL that was asleep at the wheel. What made it “turn on”? Palpating her ITB while testing her QL. We call this therapeutic localization. We determined the relationship to be that her distal lateral line (I don't like naming specific muscles but it was around her ITB) was working to compensate for her QL/proximal lateral line.
As per the anatomy books, that ITB throws some fibers to fibular head. So, keep using your ITB for stability and yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if your fibular head and lateral knee get a little unhappy.
Homework included a few different things including self soft tissue work, nerve glides, and DNS side bridges, but the take home message is this: where you think it is, it ain't. Sure, treat the symptoms. But make sure that you find an address the cause.
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