Daily Maestroism

DM #292

Saturday, March 11th, 2017

DM #292: Mmmm…donuts ? ?

Do you have any idea how freakin delicate a jelly donut is?! You might as well tell your patients that they're just one sneeze away from being in a body cast. ?

Thought viruses, people. Gotta watch out for the thought viruses. What you say absolutely matters.
I'm currently in the middle of the CrossFit Open (hate on CrossFit if you want) and this week's workout is going to have people putting a tremendous amount of weight over their heads. My point? We are NOT fragile.
Load your patients. Get them moving weight. Let them learn just how resilient they are. Yes, do it appropriately, gradually, and safely…but make sure you do it!

I realize that all we have are analogies when it comes to explaining things, but I think we can come up with something a bit better than a jelly donut. Car tire filled with peanut butter? I have no idea. Or here's an idea: show them an actual model and explain it to them like the intelligent beings that they are. What kind of stuff do you say? Either way, stop scaring your patients and start empowering them.
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