Daily Maestroism

DM #302

Tuesday, March 21st, 2017

DM #302: Studies have value. I get it. But your ability to recognize that you're treating an actual human has a whole lot more value.
No intervention will ever work for everyone all of the time. No study will ever be able to control for the human factor. In my honest opinion, studies are for drugs, and for telling us whether or not an intervention is safe to use. As for efficacy of the intervention, studies, as I view them, tell us that that particular intervention did or did not work for that particular group of people, under those particular circumstances.
So, I'm not telling you to stop posing the question “but where are the studies.” Rather, I ask that you use that same inquisitive drive to question the validity, necessity, and methodology of those studies, and how their results jive with your own common sense.
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