DM #317: It's that whole square peg, round hole concept. Figured I'd drop another squat DM since you guys liked last night's so much.
There are TON of squat resources out there, so I honestly don't feel like I need to make this post super long, or that I'm gonna provide any profound points that haven't been made before. But, nonetheless, say it I shall.
Contraption squats are for contraptions. “Perfect”, toe pointed forward squats are for people with the bony architecture to allow for it. If your ? is twisted, trying to force it into a different direction ain't the best idea.
So, how does stuff get twisted in the first place?Some folks are born that way, some folks don't develop properly (failure to derogate), some folks play sports as kids that introduce torsional forces to their still malleable bones and causes them to twist. Or perhaps some combo of all three. How do you know if you've got some twists going on? Easy, get in and get assessed. Tibial torsion you can actually assess yourself, but femoral torsion tends to be better/more easily assessed with a second pair of hands and eyes.
The point of tonight's DM is simply, once again, assess, don't guess, and certainly don't force. Figure out why stuff is doing what it's doing, then intervene accordingly. Your body will thank you.
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