Daily Maestroism

DM #319

Friday, April 7th, 2017

DM #319: Yes, I posted this message earlier after my float session. It was just that good that I had to post it again.

As a therapist, one of the hardest things can be getting patients to back off doing whatever it is that's hurting them. Running, crossfit, yoga, a certain dance move, whatever. I think that is largely because the message gets lost, and people think that they will never be able to do that thing again. Far from it. There's a big difference between taking a break, and giving something up forever.

This same concept applies to life. Stress is inevitable. I think that people often times give themselves more stress, trying to figure out how to help the stress, because they think that they need to have no stress at all. Not the case. You're alive. You have responsibilities. You have bills to pay. You have a family, friends, kids, plants, animals that depend on you. It is impossible to stop it all forever, and have NO stress. But you can take a break.

When we rest, we grow. We recover. We come back stronger. Remember, more is not better. Harder is not better. Better is better. Sometimes, you just need a break.

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