

Friday, April 14th, 2017

Banded pull-aparts really aren't all that complicated, and yet I always see people doing crazy things when they do them.

Here's a tip: USE A LIGHTER BAND!

@perform_better sells bands in a whole bunch of resistances, so do yourself a favor and order the lightest one. TONS of ways you can use it.

Second point. If you feel banded pull-aparts in your neck and traps, change the way gravity is acting on your body and bring it to the ground. You know I'm all about the floor, and this exercise is no exception. Now you can relax those traps bc you don't have to worry about holding up your arms against gravity. ??

Alrighty, that's all for today. Give it a shot and lemme know how it goes.
? cred: @queenb_fitmom

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