Daily Maestroism

DM #332

Thursday, April 20th, 2017

DM #332: ? Well when you put it like that…

Guess what, this rationale holds true for ANY part of the body. Sometimes, just sometimes, hopping on a foam roller or some massage balls does the trick. But, more times than not, in the presence of true dysfunction, all it does is get the symptoms to go away for a little bit and then they come right back.

Why??? Well, clearly because you haven't addressed the actual cause. Remember, pain and tightness are SYMPTOMS, not the cause. So yes, go right a head and address the symptoms. Roll out, get massages, make yourself feel better. Getting out of pain is absolutely part of the healing process and important when it comes to being able to find and address the cause.

However, if you've been giving those tissues love for quite some time now and they're still not loving you back, it's time to start looking somewhere else…not rolling out harder. Oh, and make sure you remember that mobility and stability are two sides of the same coin. Things got tight for a reason. Perhaps it's time to start thinking about imparting some stability. More on this at another time. Gotta get back to that woodworking project. ?

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