Daily Maestroism

DM #397

Saturday, June 24th, 2017

DM #397: When was the last time you moved and actually paid attention to how it felt? How you felt? Truly LISTENED to your body?

I get it. Coaching is helpful, important, beneficial. External cues can be hugely beneficial. But all those things should come second to your own awareness. It's impossible to know what you're coach is telling you to do if you have no idea what your body is even doing.

During my dope convo with @gracegrit yesterday, she asked me for three things that I recommend to help folks stay healthy and maintain their movement practice. My answer? Breathe, pay attention, and just move.

We've all become so accustomed to external feedback and confirmation that we seem to forget the value of paying attention to our own systems and providing ourselves with that feedback and confirmation.

No therapist, coach, practitioner, whoever will be better than you at tell you how you feel. Don't forget that. —
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