Daily Maestroism

DM #408

Wednesday, July 5th, 2017


Heard this awesome quote this morning while doing some family yoga, and I couldn’t agree more. If you take this quote to mean literal touching, then no, I wouldn’t agree. However, if you interpret it as being able to touch it with your senses, aka, being aware of it, then I would agree.

If you can’t sense any area, if you don’t have awareness of an area, that lack of connection prevents you from interacting with it that area. From a neurological perspective this is actually something that we speak about a TON during our @rocktape courses. Proper movement requires good perception. In the presence of chronic pain and/or dysfunction at an area, the portions of our brain the represent that area can (and usually does) become ‘smudged’. Our mental/cortical representation of that area is fuzzy, which means it becomes that much more difficult for us to connect with that area, aka ‘touch’ it. And if you can’t touch it, you can’t treat it.

So, take home: If you can’t connect with an area, you can’t treat it. Sometimes it’s a matter of working on tactile acuity, sometimes it’s a matter of slowing the F down, breathing, and learning how to actually feel and connect with your body.

Ok, time to go play beer pong. Happy 4th, friends. Be safe.

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