DM #416: Am I beating a dead horse here? ? Maybe. But I think this DM is appropriate given the hip flexion video I posted earlier and the questions it prompted.
So, what am I talking about? Well, if something's been bugging you for a while and all that smashing and banded mobilizing ain't making any permanent changes…you're probably missing something. Things don't get tight and stay tight for no reason. That feeling of tension is more times than not your body's way of imparting…you guessed it…STABILITY.
When the nervous system doesn't feel safe, it figures out a way to make things safe. Tightness, pain, requests and demands for you to change your behavior. So, that hip that you've been trying to mobilize out of pain yet always feels right? Well, maybe it could use some stabilizing. A little feeling of safety, if you will. Why? Because when the nervous system feels safe it grants you mobility, grants you freedom, eases up on that pain output.
So, absolutely, work on your mobility first and foremost. But if that doesn't work (and even if it does), check out that stability. Your body will thank you.
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