Daily Maestroism

DM #462

Monday, August 28th, 2017

DM #462: You’re not going to exercise your way out of an injury. You’re not going to push your way to being pain-free. If something is barking at you, it’s asking you to listen…and change.

Been hearing from a few of my athletes lately that they’ve got some painful stuff going on…and they’re attempting to treat it by doing the same movements that cause them pain…just not as much, or as often…and then smashing those tissues. I get it. You want to work out. You want to get bigger, and stronger, and faster. You’re scared that if you stop working out you’re going to lose your gains. But, you gotta understand the flip side: if you keep working out you’re likely going to lose your ability to keep working out…and then you’re definitely going to lose your gains.

Like I’ve said before, no, you cannot rest your way to full recovery. But you must start there. You must give those tissues a break. Time to heal. The rough part for some is that the harder you go on a daily basis, potentially the longer that area is going to need to rest.

It sucks. I get it. Trust me. But we have to make sure the pendulum isn’t swinging too far in terms of trying to ’treat’ ourselves. Just because we have bands, and balls, and foam rollers doesn’t mean that we can ignore the crucial role that REST plays when it comes to healing. I’m not saying give up all movement and activity entirely. Just let THAT area rest. Work around it. Do other things. Give that area some time to heal. It’ll work out a whole lot better for you in the end. I promise.

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