Daily Maestroism

DM #464

Wednesday, August 30th, 2017

DM #464: Time, stress, money, athletic goals, family obligations…life. Things happen, things get in the way, and sometimes, managing symptoms is the best we can do. That’s ok.

As a PT, my goal is always to help you get better. I want to help you figure out what the actual problem is, not just chase symptoms around. BUT, sometimes simply managing symptoms and getting that patient through is exactly what the situation calls for.

This is yet another post just trying to remind you that, as always, it depends. We’re treating humans, not tables, and as such, we need to consider more than just the anatomy, and definitely more than just our own personal goals as a therapist. Yes, you as a therapist definitely have your own goals, so don’t forget that. The same way you ask your patients to check their egos at the door, you must do the same. As my good friend Anita says, “Meet your patients where they are.”

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