DM #466: First you rest it, then you load it…appropriately.
Been talking a lot about injury and healing recently, and tonight is no different. Made a big point to emphasize the importance of rest, and how nothing can replace it when it’s what is truly required. However, once things have healed and that rest period is over…you gotta load those tissues and stress that system…gradually and appropriately!
As I’ve said in previous DMs, you’ll never rest your way to full recovery. Meaning, yes, your tissues will heal, but if your goal is to do all exercises and whatnot that you were doing before you got injured…you gotta appropriately stress those tissues so that they become resilient…and ultimately, #antifragile. If you just try to pick back up where you left off…someone is likely going to have to pick you up off the floor after you injure yourself again.
Not trying to scare you. Honestly, just trying to keep you from hurting yourself again. Rest will heal tissues. Stress will prepare them for all the crazy ? you ask of them. Make sure you do both…and do it the right way. Don’t know what the right way is? Find a local provider to help GUIDE (notice I didn’t say fix) you ?
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