Daily Maestroism

DM #473

Friday, September 8th, 2017

DM #473: And both are totally fine.

As an educator I come across folks with different learning styles and different objectives. Some folks want their hands held, some want the green light to run free. Both. Are. Totally. Fine.

One of the beautiful things about social media is that there is something out there for everyone. Accounts that provide step-by-step instructions on how to perform a movement or do a stretch. Other accounts that provide insight on larger themes and concepts, providing folks with more of the why as opposed to the how-to. It's all good and they all have their place.

Why am I even bringing this up? Two reasons: 1 – to serve as a reminder to the folks who reach out to me asking for social media advice, and worried about keeping up with the Jones's. There's plenty to go around. Do you. 2 – to remind clinicians and coaches out there that we need to be able to adapt and adjust, and meet patients (and students) where they are.

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