Daily Maestroism

DM #511

Monday, October 16th, 2017

DM #511: Break it down.

Before you get so wrapped up in trying to see how the parts play together, make sure that each part can play at all. Extrapolating a little bit from Andreo Spina's mantra of “regional independence before regional interdependence”. If you want both sides to look good together, gotta make sure each side looks good on its own.

This is a concept that clinicians likely already understand (and if you don't, there's no shame in learning it now), but if you're a movement enthusiast out there, reading this without perhaps much knowledge of assessment, it's all good. You can absolutely start to help yourself out. Simply work on things one leg, one arm, one side at a time.

If it looks bad with two, looking at one is what you should do.

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