DM #520: Beware the pendulum swinging too far, and at the day ALWAYS remember that we are first and foremost treating HUMANS.
Truly brilliant point brought up by my guy Steve from the other side of the world, at @rocktapeaustralia. Really such a truthful statement, and something that I think we’re seeing more and more as folks start to learn more and more about pain science. Again I say, beware the pendulum swinging too far.
Just because a study cannot prove HOW a technique is working does not mean that there is no value in that technique. Absence of proof is NOT proof of absence. We are thankfully getting farther and farther away from that mechanical model that proposes tissue distortion and adhesion release when we do manual treatment. But, there is still something HUGELY powerful and beneficial about human touch.
Don’t let pain science replace our basic human emotion, and understanding of the inherent value of person-to-person contact. It’s quite interesting that folks will say that touch does nothing in regards to treating pain, yet they’ll be damned if someone else tries to lay a hand on their spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend/partner.
I get it. As a PT it’s frustrating as hell when a patient comes in and says “I’m ready for my massage.” I love using RockBlades and feel quite honestly that they ‘work’ faster than my hands, but I still absolutely value touch. How can I not? After all, I’m only human.
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