DM #523: You’ve got to progress if you want to make progress.
Had a good convo earlier tonight with one of my IG homies who is having some of that hip clunking I’ve been posting about. He’s been doing dead bugs exercises and the like, but continues to get the clunking with walking. This lack of improvement despite dedicated effort is something I see quite often, and it has nothing to do with dedication…and everything to do with specificity.
When correcting movement your best bet is ALWAYS to start at the beginning. Reduce the position, regress the demands, and make it impossible to fail. But then you must progress. You must increase the postural demands, increase the range of motion, increase the speed, increase the resistance as needed to reproduce and replicate the demands whatever activity it is that you’re trying to get back to.
What am I saying? Dead bugs, rolling, breathing, and other low threshold strategies are EXCELLENT starting points, but they are just that, starting points. If you have hip clunking while standing, you must eventually progress your drills to be in standing, at the same speed you walk, with all the same demands you face while walking.
At the end of the day it is once again about not letting that pendulum swing too far. We must not start with exercises that are too advanced, and we must also not get stuck doing exercise that are too easy.
So, start at the beginning, but make sure you’ve always got the end in sight.
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