Daily Maestroism

DM #543

Friday, November 17th, 2017

DM #543: I got about a thousand fascia-related gems from @gilhedleysomanaut today, but this quote right here truly, truly resonated with me. Don't worry though, I'll definitely be sharing those ?s with you in future DMs ?.

I've always said that new models don't prove that old models don't work, they simply refine our understanding of just how they work. I think this “speaks exactly to that. If you've been treating people with great success, continue to value that technique. But, if new information comes out regarding just how that treatment works, it would behoove you to read it and embrace it. Why? Because it just might change the manner in which you use that technique, not stop you from using it at all.

So, tonight's take-home message: go sign up for Gil's 4 hour course. (www.gilhedley.com) It's incredible.

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