DM #574: Want a muscle-up? Develop your pulling strength and learn how to do a strict chest-to-bar. Want to be able to do a handstand walk? Make sure you have sufficient wrist mobility. Want to learn how to snatch? Make sure that you can squat.
Gearing this post a bit more towards CrossFit, but the principles can easily be applied to plenty of other things. As it relates to CrossFit, i just see people spending way too much time working on fancy regressions and modifications of drills, rigging up 57 bands, and plates, and boxes when in reality what they need to be doing is simply getting stronger, improving their mobility, and exploring their end ranges.
The fancy stuff is cool and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be able to do it. Heck, I wanna do it. That stuff looks dope. But, the reality is, if you want to be able to do the fancy stuff, and continue to be able to do the fancy stuff, and not bust your ? while trying to learn how to do the fancy stuff…master the fundamentals. Own the basics. Build a solid foundation that will never let you down. There is a reason that we walk before we run.
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