Daily Maestroism

DM #605

Thursday, January 18th, 2018

DM #605: What in the world did I just say? ?

@hunterfitness explained things so eloquently when he described the exercise we give our patients/clients as movement problems to be solved. The larger our skill set as movers, the more options we have in trying to figure out how to solve that problem. Own only a few movements and you’ll find that you’ve got very few options when it comes to figuring out different ways to solve a problem.

So, as it relates to this particular DM, while practicing a specific movement is the best way to get good at that single movement, unless whatever it is that you have to perform occurs in a vacuum where there are no variables, everything is always the exact same, and you are guaranteed that nothing surrounding that performance will change at all…you’re going to want the ability to adapt and respond to those slight variations.

Take home message: do more than just what you do ?. Doing the same thing over and over is the fastest way to being forced to stop doing that thing. Repetitive stress injuries are a real thing. Practice what you’re focused on…but make sure you incorporate all the other things too. The more tools you have to solve the problem, the easier solving the problem becomes.

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