DM #627: I film a lot of stuff. I put a fraction of it on the interwebs. I usually learn the most from the stuff I don’t put on the interwebs. Go figure.
Sometimes my friends send me videos of their lifts, and truth be told, I pay just as, if not MORE, attention to the stuff they’re doing when they’re not executing the lift. What do I mean? The way that they walk to the bar. The way that they walk back to the rig to rerack the bar. The way their knees collapse when they jump up to the pull-up bar (this may or may not be me). The tendency they have to always stand on one leg. The OTHER stuff.
When we’re on camera we’re at our best. We tighten things up, focus on movement patterns, and a lot of the ‘bad’ stuff goes away. It’s when you’re not paying attention that the fun stuff comes out to play.
Take-home message: filming is invaluable. The stuff you can get when you forget that you’re filming is priceless.
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