Daily Maestroism

DM #631

Tuesday, February 13th, 2018

DM #631: Just go.

Now, before the trolls come out with the “but what if’s”, I’m not taking about going when you have the flu or are one cough away from losing a lung. No. Talking about those times when you’re just feeling lazy and struggling to find the motivation. Just go.

You don’t have to go and max out or do a million workouts. Just go and move. Listen to your body. Feel. Get the blood pumping and the endorphins going. You WILL feel better.

My dude @bourbonandbacksquats dropped this not too long ago, and while I definitely think he could benefit from a few more days resting outside of the gym 😉, the take-home message is sound. Probably should have posted this Sunday night in time for that Monday motivation, but honestly, most of us can benefit from a pick-me-up any day of the week.

Just go. You won’t regret it.

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