DM #632: If you’ve followed me for any amount of time you know that I LOVE talking about, and working on breathing. Like…kind of obsessed with it. But, I’m also a huge proponent of keeping that pendulum from swinging too far, so let’s bring it back to center, shall we?
Breathing is the most fundamental movement pattern that we have. As Karl Lewitt said, “If you don’t own breathing, you don’t own movement.” However, if you are alive, you are not breathing “wrong”. I hate hearing people say that. It’s just not true. Similar to the whole heel strike debate as it relates to running.
Breathing is absolutely trainable and 100% something that I think everyone could benefit from working on. However, I think it’s important to set the stage and concern ourselves with the verbiage we use. You are not broken and you’re not breathing wrong. Breathing is not the answer for everything, but it’s a good start. Fine can become good. Good can become great. You are not broken, you could just be better.
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