DM #640: Wise words from the pediatric physical therapy prodigy. Do yourself a favor and go follow @dr.jpop if you aren’t already. Your patients will thank you.
I echoed this very sentiment quite a few DMs ago, but nowhere near as eloquently. She dropped this gem today and I knew it had to be the DM.
Hold close that which is sacred. Plain and simple. All too often we compromise ourselves and our happiness in an effort to please others and avoid making any waves. Be kind, but make all the damn waves you want. Be a tsunami. Stop saying yes to things that you hate and doing things that make you unhappy.
Yes, life will always bring with it areas in which you must compromise. Just make sure that as you venture forward you guard that thing which we all ultimately crave and seek. Happiness is 100% yours for the taking, but all too often folks seem to think of it as something that is up for grabs. Protect your peace. Hold on to your happiness. Safeguard your sanity.
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