DM #648: Sometimes ya gotta K.I.S.S. it.
Seeing lots of things on the interwebs about the biopsychosocial (BPS) model. Mostly good things. Seems like BPS has become a bit of a “buzzword” of sorts, and that really isn’t a bad thing. But, let’s take a step off the soap box for a second, and break it down. You’re treating a human, not a table. Plain and simple.
What does that mean? You’re treating a person! Feelings, emotions, past experiences, belief systems…way more than just inert tissue. And you bet you that all that stuff matters when it comes to treating a patient. The tissues matter too, but they are not all that matters.
We can dress it up as much as we want, use big fancy words, but at the end of the day, it’s quite simple: treat the patient like a person. Perhaps if we took some psychology classes, read some books about athropology, learned something about sociology, or maybe just spent more time actually talking to our classmates instead of trying to get better grades than them, that psychosocial part of the BPS model wouldn’t be such a difficult concept to grasp.
Take-home: you are a human. Treat your patients how you’d want to be treated. The end.
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